July 2021
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Man and machine increasingly connected through Maestro Connect functionality

Man and machine increasingly connected through Maestro Connect functionality

  • Posted by Eleonora Bongiovanni
  • On July 20, 2021
  • Machine monitoring, Maestro Connect, SCM Group

Nowadays, when technologies are reaching very high levels of performance, it is essential to continuously monitor the plant productivity, in order to identify which critical areas prevent machines from reaching their maximum production capacity.

To do that, SCMGroup offers a digital services platform, linked to Maestro Connect. The platform enables features such as machine status monitoring, maintenance optimization, problem management, spare parts suggestions, smart learning; as well as service support with augmented reality through Smartech glasses. In addition, Maestro Connect allows you to view machine information in real time and receive instant notifications on PCs, tablets and smartphones when alarms or downtime occur, allowing you to verify that recovery actions are immediate and without delays.

In particular, through the platform it is possible to monitor the OEE (Overall Efficiency Equipement), whose value indicates the overall efficiency of the machines. To evaluate the OEE, three parameters must be considered:

  • Availability – Time in which the machine is working net of all downtime.
  • Efficiency – Comparison between actual and target production in the time period.
  • Quality – Percentage of parts not rejected out of total parts produced.

By measuring the three different variables one is able to act and concentrate efforts on that factor which is weaker. For example if the OEE of a company is equal to 70% and the main cause is that the machine is at a standstill due to lack of material, it means that it will have to review its planning and internal logistics.

Among the platform’s functionalities we also find suggestions in order to prevent potential machine downtime. This analysis is based on the historical data collected over time and the actual use that is made of the machine. Furthermore, the reliability improvement and maintenance strategy program manages the scheduling of maintenance, supporting the operator with guides or explanatory videos.

All the features presented above can have a crucial impact in the INEDIT scenario: distributed production, flexibility, orders collected from a channel “external” to the factory (meaning INEDIT platform) need a reliable and easy infrastructure aimed to control the machines and optimize the production.