September 2024
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151, boulevard de l'hôpital - 75013 Paris

Our Project


open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together process

Project Grant Agreement: N°869952
Duration: 36 months
Funded under: H2020-DT-FOF-05-2019, Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering
Funding schema: Innovation Action

INEDIT aims to create an Open Innovation European DIT ecosystem for sustainable furniture co-creation. It channels the creativity of consumers, shapes it through designers’ professional skills, and makes it viable by leveraging on the expertise of production specialists in order to deliver sustainable, smart and personalized new products in a shorter time to market.

The DIT approach will be applied by customers and professional producers, especially SMEs, for conveying higher customer satisfaction through customer-driven production. INEDIT will demonstrates the approach through four cross use cases with high societal impact:

Sustainability and consideration of individual preferences, especially of women and men, will be some of the guiding threads, together with societal challenges such as contribution to reduce the amount of produced CO2 and the creation and maintenance of EU-wide job opportunities. This will lead to new business opportunities supported by business model innovation. Moreover, these innovative networked local manufacturing competences and production facilities across the EU will solve ethical concerns within the manufacturing network.

INEDIT intends to demonstrate, through its twin – digital and physical – platform, the potential innovation around social manufacturing within the circular economy in designing global while producing local

The INEDIT concepts explained

Our Methodology

We Have adopted a methodology ased on three main steps:

  • Specifications of the Do It Together Process based on the state of the art in terms of technologies, business model innovation and research on co-creation and open manufacturing.
  • Specifications, Development and integration of the digital tools and machines that will be integrated in an end to end process. In parallel, definition of the according business models to run the process.
  • Preparation of the demonstration pilots and deployment of four demonstrators, each one running parts of the full DIT process.