CASE STUDY 4 – Smartification of Furniture
Case study intent: To demonstrate the smartification furniture process, as a way to improve user quality of life.
UNINOVA use case demonstrates how smartification can be implemented in furniture. If associated with intelligent systems, for example, those resulting from AI algorithms, IoT, and big data collections to feed machine learning analysis, smartification becomes supportive and proactive for a person’s benefit. Using an Open Manufacturing Demonstrators Facilities (OMDF) platform, it becomes possible to use smartification for the furniture industry, providing solutions for manufacturing in a DIT environment by adopting strategies, designed experimentally in a Fab Lab, tested, and validated for that purpose.
By using the platform developed by the INEDIT project, customers can describe their ideas for smart functionalities, to be included in their furniture, with the assistance of an intelligent tagging system. The smartification developers, in collaboration with the designers, identify the technical constraints and possible solutions for the development of prototypes, which can be comprised of sensors, actuators, and controllers to deliver the required functionalities.
- Consumer (private consumer, business customer)
- Designer
- Furniture producer
- FabLab makers
- Smartification expert
- INEDIT platform
Tools / technologies involved
- INEDIT Graphic User Interface (GUI)
- Smartification API
- Electronic CAD software
- Modular robotic cell (3D recycled plastic printing)
- 3D printing of wood
- Innovative woodworking processing
- Consumer needs
- DIT ecosystem technologies
- DIT ecosystem stakeholders
- Smartification service
(included in the configuration service – see D2.4)