October 2020
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The INEDIT team is going a step further

The INEDIT team is going a step further

  • Posted by Eleonora Bongiovanni
  • On October 5, 2020

Almost one year has passed since the beginning of the INEDIT project, and our consortium is proposing a new approach to furniture design and furniture manufacturingDespite the CoViD period, we have been able to identify the stakeholders involved in the process and enumerate their needs and expectations based on INEDIT concepts. We have produced a substantial state of the art regarding Do It Yourself trends, Open Innovation, social product development and social manufacturingto elaborate a holistic model of Do It Together (DIT) process considering sustainability of the developed products. 

The team has concurrently investigated the technologies’ requirements of such a process, fostering a good understanding of consumers needs, communicability with the experts involved in the DIT logic and ensuring digital continuity from co-creation to co-manufacturing. A replicable Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (OMDF) framework is being studied to understand how to deploy the DIT concepts in existing places like fablabs, furniture industries or stores.  

Our objective now is to demonstrate and evaluate the proposed DIT process through technical developments and experiments that will be conducted within the next 18 months. On the co-creation side, users will be able to join our community to create their furniture. We will offer them means to quickly scan the environment in which they want some furniture to be installed, and interact with experts using different media like online 3D applicationsaugmented and virtual reality to create and test virtually their furniture. The result of these interactions will generate designs that will transit through an ERP to distribute manufacturing instructions once the design has been validated by all stakeholders. On the manufacturing side, four use-cases: woodworking machines, 3D printing of wood, 3D printed of recycled plastic, and smartification will be developed and evaluated.  

To allow all users to work together, a specific interface is being specified based on the existing fanvoice platform capabilities. 

The first experiments will concern the early steps of the process from project definition to modelling. As an example, Arts et Métiers, which is responsible of the development of the process from light scanning to immersive design, will evaluate in October 2020 the influence of 3D environments on creativity within their immersive sketching solution.  

You are a designer, a furniture manufacturer or just curious, please tell us about you with the contact form and subscribe to our newsletter. We would love to hear from you about this project, get your feedbacks and participation into the INEDIT development.