September 2024
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Final Review Meeting

On May 16th all the INEDIT partners met in Paris, at ENSAM premises, for the final Review Meeting. It has been the last opportunity to show to the EU Project Officer and Technical Monitor all the results that INEDIT achieved within the end of the project. During the first half of the day, each WP […]

INEDIT at Open Innovation Kongress 2023

    The Stuttgart Open Innovation Kongress 2023 was a huge success with over 1000 people attending to learn about the latest developments in Open Innovation. In the age of intense global innovation competition, companies in the field of research and development must react in the short term, but also pursue long-term innovation goals. Openness […]

INEDIT partnership with ECOSIA

The Consortium of INEDIT, has always been committed to the environmental sustainability: avoiding waste of materials, recycling, fostering circularity of economy, eliminating long distances transport. To increase this engagement, in 2022 started the partnership with Ecosia, a search engine that allocates its revenues, gained through advertising, for the reforestation in all the world. Moreover, in […]

INEDIT project meeting in Lugano (March 2023)

From February 7th to 9th, #INEDIT Project meeting took place in Lugano, at the premises of Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI). It has been the last in-presence meeting of the Consortium, as the project will officially end on March 31st 2023. During these 3 days, the partners had the chance to discover and […]

INEDIT training – 3rd edition in Italy

The Third Edition of the INEDIT Training organized by CRIT took place at the Istituto Primo Levi, a secondary school located in Vignola (Italy), on February 6th and 10th, 2023. It lasted 1 day and a half in total. The participants were about 35 school students attending the mechanical and the IT specialization. They were […]

INEDIT Interviews

INEDIT is to inspire! INEDIT is about more than the scientific and technological prototyping of the Do-It-Together approach. The technology, the platform, the tools, the network: all of these have to function to aim for our goal, but it is not at its heart. INEDIT is about bringing people together to collaborate in a way […]

The INEDIT Project Partner Meeting @AIMEN

On October 19th and 20th, our M36 #INEDIT Project partners meeting took place in Vigo, within the AIMEN Centro Tecnológico premises! The project is in an advanced stage and all the interactive sessions planned had the aim to share with all partners the state of progress and to collect any feedback from each other. It was possible to “touch […]

INEDIT project at the ICE IAMOT Conference in Nancy

From June 19th to 23rd Nancy hosted the ICE IAMOT Conference!  🙌🏽 After the two online versions of the conference, organized in 2020 and 2021, the Management of Technology, Engineering and Innovation communities worked together again in presence to explore new ways for collaboration and came up with innovative solutions to the critical global issues of our […]

INEDIT interview made by Exame Informática to UNINOVA

After the announcement did during the last partners meeting in Lisbon, on 5th of June 2022 an interview about INEDIT was aired during the Portuguese tv show “Exame Informática”, on a 24h news channel “SIC Notícias”. The show is realized by the homonymous magazine, the biggest and most recognized in Portugal in the fields of […]

Help the planet with Ecosia and Inedit project!

Inedit project is committed in implementing environmental sustainability, using different tools in the corresponding areas. In details, the 3D printing technology used in manufacturing, permits to use the right quantities of material, avoiding waste of materials. Furthermore, the involved materials, plastics for example, are recycled and recyclable. Within our project, thanks to co-creation and co-design […]

Which are your needs about furniture? Fill in our new survey to find out!

As an international EU research project, INEDIT wants to establish a new way for designing furniture. Therefore the partners are creating a platform, that will be ready in September, where furniture-users, designers and manufacturers are able to co-design and co-create together novel, sustainable and individualized furniture. To adapt the platform even better to the user […]

INEDIT @ Open Innovation Congress 2022

The Open Innovation Congress Baden-Württemberg is the largest publicly funded event on open innovation in Germany and took place in Stuttgart on 11 April, 2022. INEDIT project’s aims, progress in project activities, and success stories have been presented at the event by project partner Steinbeis Europa Zentrum in a physical booth. Take a look at […]

Storyboard of the Scan View companion app

Last summer, Hanna Paluszkiewicz from Transition Technologies PSC has unveiled to the consortium the storyboard of the awaiten Scan View Application. The Scan View application is the perfect companion mobile app allowing the co-creators of a furniture to generate and share data ! All you need is a account, and a iOS compatible device […]

Creativity Events and Pilot Testing.. Results and discussions

Within INEDIT, we have anticipated that those technologies and the DIT process itself would need a deep understanding of the acceptance and adoption from potential users. From the very beginning of the projects, we have interviewed potential consumers, designers, producers, makers who could have a specific interest using such a process and platform. We have […]

The German INEDIT Creativity Event organized by FIR

The Creativity Event organized by FIR took place on February 21st/22nd 2022 within the institute building. The participants were RWTH Aachen University students and PhD candidates from several different engineering and business backgrounds (e.g. smart services, mechanical, industrial, civil). Overall 16 people participated (8 male, 8 female, average age: 25,7). None of the participants had been […]

SCM Group and CDP Venture Capital’s new “Forward Factory” accelerator

SCM Group, INEDIT partner, participates in CDP Venture Capital’s new “Forward Factory” accelerator together with other leading companies operating in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. The new accelerator is dedicated to startups that develop products or solutions in the digital manufacturing field. With a total budget of 8.64 million euros, of which 3.57 million for […]

The Italian INEDIT Creativity Event organized by CRIT

The Italian INEDIT Creativity Event has been performed on November 16th at the secondary school “Istituto Levi” in Vignola, organised by CRIT. 18 students (18 years-old) have been involved in testing the INEDIT 3D scan app and the INEDIT Sketching Together app, in order to collect their feedback about the usability and the usefulness of […]

The INEDIT Periodic Project Partners Meeting: Together again

On November 3rd and 4th, finally INEDIT partners physically met again! The M26 project partners meeting has been perfectly organised in Lugano, within the SUPSI premises. The agenda of the meeting was very rich of interactive sessions, starting from the pitches of the Technology developers and Use cases (specific contents will be shared soon on […]

Let’s Do-It-Together in Nancy. Pilot testing the INEDIT platform at the Lorraine Fab Living Lab

On the 4th and 5th of October, ENSAM joined forces with the University of Lorrain and Hanze University of Applied sciences to test a pilot of the INEDIT platform. During two days, around 20 students tested the application, by rapidly designing furniture suited for specific conditions. The days started with an introduction of the project […]

A new Creativity Event @ Institut Arts et Métiers of Laval

The second Creativity Event of the INEDIT project took place at Institut Arts et Métiers of Laval, France on the 23rd of September. It involved 24 students in 3D Interactive Technologies Engineering (VR / AR). The INEDIT team presented the DIT concepts and the process, features, and business value of such an innovative platform. The […]

Experiment creative & Immersive “Do It Together” process inside Nomad’lab, ENSGSI’s mobile Fablab

Actors of the same territory, ENSGSI, ERPI and Octroi Nancy join forces for a creative adventure. During the European Binennal of Creativity, on Saturday 25th of September 2021, with the Nomad ‘Lab, the ENSGSI FabLab mobile turned into immersive space, the INEDIT team has given the opportunity to visit the Octroi Nancy buildings and its […]

Minergie is the top choice in terms of environmental sustainability

Veragouth and Xilema, one of our industrial partners, considers sustainability one of their philosophy’s main pillars and respects the principles of sustainable architecture, in an effort to reduce the consumption of grey energy using advanced materials and techniques that guarantee thermal insulation and proper ventilation of the living environments. An all-out commitment that ensures Veragouth […]

INEDIT Open community around a research & development dynamic at Université de Lorraine

During the first semester 2021, ERPI Laboratory and ENSGSI from the Université de Lorraine managed several INEDIT sub-projects and workshops involving a real open community with students, industrials, SMEs, citizens, researchers, multipliers, etc. In addition, the UL team organised several research & development seminars (physical at ENSGSI, LF2L platform and online) to promote the work […]

Experimenting with Gigabot for printing furniture in a DIT approach

INEDIT stands for the development of new forms of design and innovative production of the furniture in the next short future. The Université de Lorraine (UL) is seeking for making feasible the idea of printing objects from recycled plastics for the personalized furniture. But first, some technical aspects need to be tackled. One of the […]

Design of the INEDIT business model completed

The INEDIT business model has been developed over the past months in cooperation with all partners in such a way that the value proposition focuses in particular on the topics of sustainability and European cooperation. The FIR at RWTH Aachen University developed a draft of the business model for a European innovation ecosystem together with […]

Large scale additive manufacturing for furniture production

Additive manufacturing (also called 3D printing) is a transformative approach to industrial production, with a more efficient use of resources and the capabilities of producing very complex shapes. The high flexibility of this technology makes it perfect to produce unique or customized items. Within INEDIT project, AIMEN is developing a robotic cell for Large scale […]

Man and machine increasingly connected through Maestro Connect functionality

Nowadays, when technologies are reaching very high levels of performance, it is essential to continuously monitor the plant productivity, in order to identify which critical areas prevent machines from reaching their maximum production capacity. To do that, SCMGroup offers a digital services platform, linked to Maestro Connect. The platform enables features such as machine status […]

Data translation tests

In this period TTS started test sessions with the partners involved in the furniture production. The aim of these tests is to validate if the output provided by the TTS software is compliant with the DXF custom manufacturer specifications. The goal: to avoid or minimize the operator’s intervention before sending the part program to the […]

INEDIT Decision support system for the sustainable optimization of production processes: the Sustainability Driven Orchestrator

In the context of the DIT ecosystem’s environmental sustainability analysis, SUPSI is working on the development of a scalable methodology and a software tool to drive decision-making process.   Environmental Key Performance Indicators (E-KPIs) First of all, Environmental Key Performance Indicators (E-KPIs), meant to assess environmental sustainability both at factory and ecosystem level, have been […]

Take a look at a use test of our INEDIT VR design tool

During the Open Innovation Kongress participants were able to take a sneak peek into the tools developed within the INEDIT project. In this video Benjamin Poussard, from Arts et Métiers ParisTech, shows the scanning and designing capabilities offered by the tool. The steps are really simple! Easily scan your environment to digitally reproduce your home […]

INEDIT @ Open Innovation Kongress 2021 (28 June, 2021)

Open Innovation Congress took place on 28th of June 2021 in an innovative online format. The session “Open Innovation Ecosystem for collaborative co-creation” centered on examples of successful open innovation in the projects funded under Horizon 2020 call Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering and discussion of the practical application of their lessons learned beyond the research project. […]

INEDIT and sister projects to present their activities at Open Innovation Congress Baden-Württemberg 2021

Open Innovation Congress is the largest Open Innovation events in Germany, which brings together more than 1000 participants yearly. INEDIT together with the sister projects will present their examples of successful open innovation approaches within their projects at the Open Innovation Congress. Four H2020 funded projects aim at bringing Open Innovation in diverse industries: INEDIT […]

Results of the Open Innovation Collaboration workshop (22nd April)

INEDIT along with the projects OpenNext, iProduce, DIY4U funded under Horizon 2020 call Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering came together for a collaborative workshop in on-line format to showcase the projects and the different approaches following the Open Innovation concept. The event was aimed at networking, sharing about the activities and long-term vision, challenges of the projects and […]

INEDIT Platform – Introduction to Smartification: User Story

The INEDIT platform will be a next gen hub for open innovation and co-creation of furniture, with support for the enhancement of furniture pieces with technology, through the process of Smartification. The Smartification framework, in development by Uninova, will enable the transformation of regular furniture into user-aware, interconnected aiding tools, that will help improve the […]

Create Soon Your Own Custom And Sustainable Furniture Thanks To The INEDIT Platform

If you could create in total autonomy or with the help of a designer your own furniture, those that fit 100% to your interior and your decoration… Would you try the experiment? This is the promise of INEDIT, an under construction European project. INEDIT will be a – digital and physical – platform allowing you […]

INEDIT parterns together for the First Review Meeting

On April 29th, researchers and representatives from all the organisations participating in the INEDIT project attended the First Review Meeting which was organized online, due to the already in force restrictions. It was an intense session during which the progress achieved in the different work-packages was presented as a journey to the Project Officer, Mr […]

Innovation and collaboration during COVID: the creation of an on-demand video platform

As CRIT we work to enhance and support innovation processes on a daily basis working with plenty of tools developed and refined along our 20 years of activity. One of the most important is collaboration, among and within companies. Because of this, 2020 was a real challenge for CRIT, forcing us to review our whole […]

Adding layered value to radical innovation from another point of view

Since the development and inception of INEDIT, HUAS is a proud member of the consortium. Originally we were invited to join the consortium because of our expertise in co-creation within Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Peter Meister Broekema was the coordinator for the Horizon2020 project ACCOMPLISSH, that analysed SSH co-creation in the quadruple helix and […]

The Innovaz1 team wins the INEDIT Makeathon “Build your SMART teacher desk”

  The first edition of the INEDIT Training has been successfully performed from mid February to mid March 2021. 70 students from high-school IIS P.Levi in Vignola (Italy) have been involved with the aim to increase and test the capability of future technicians to develop a new approach to creativity and to apply the Do […]

Open Innovation Collaboration webinar

The projects of the Horizon 2020 call Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering present a joint webinar about the different approaches following the Open Innovation concept. Date: Thursday, 08 April 2021 Time: 10:00 – 12:00   Together with the sister projects, iProduce, OpenNext and DIY4U, STEINBEIS-EUROPA- ZENTRUM organises a webinar to involve stakeholders from all […]

Control of complex DIT ecosystems by simple business model rules

The INEDIT business model consists of multi-dimensional transactions between the respective stakeholders and the INEDIT DIT ecosystem. To manage this complexity, clear and simple business rules have been defined between the different entities. The objective of the business model is that each stakeholder benefits from the cooperation in the DIT process.

The factory of the future has a digital (and smart) twin

Veragouth and Xilema, one of our industrial partner, produces wood fornitures that ensure well-being within the living experience, continually investing in innovation for a sustainable future. This solid vision has brought the company to embrace a Swiss project, aiming to oversee “the factory of the future”, which processes huge volumes of data. Within the joinery […]

The first Gigabot X in Europe at University of Lorraine

Plastic recycling is (and will be) a major issue for cleaning up after these challenging times of the covid-19 response. Since the beginning, the INEDIT project is aware of the importance of the collective intelligence as a mean to develop technical paths that could have a positive impact in the future industrial ecosystem. The Université […]

Collective Behavior in Social Manufacturing Frameworks

When different members of a community interact, they manage to find different solutions for any situation that are different, in general, to those that single individuals or non-interacting ones can provide. This is one key feature of collective behavior, a strongly interdisciplinar field studied in biology, physics or social sciences. Recent studies in this field, […]

INEDIT Data exchange workshops

On the 17th of November TTS launched the first set of internal workshops on data and data exchange between partners involved in the INEDIT platform. Data and the underlying data management platforms are substantial factors for the future of personalized manufacturing and will be key contributors to the development of complex and customized products and […]

Collective Intelligence&Community engagement at the creation of furniture

Fanvoice is one of the INEDIT projects partners. The French start-up offers an online platform dedicated to community building and management, through co-creation and co-innovation projects. Thus it allows brands and organisations to gather different audiences in the same digital space, at the same time to co-create and improve products, services and brands. The Fanvoice Saas software […]

“Smart” machines pave the way for collaborative manufacturing

During the 57th edition of Smau, the digital software and services integrated with the SCM machines won the “SMAU Innovation” Prize. The topic of the event, held at the Fieramilanocity on 20 and 21 October, was: “Interconnection of integrated and digital production systems and processes: the factory turns smart”. The prize is an important acknowledgement […]


From November 4th to November 6th, the whole INEDIT consortium has been involved in the Second Periodic Meeting..we all hoped we could physically meet again, but we were forced to organise an online meeting. The strong collaboration between partners was the basis for the “co-creation” of a very active meeting, full of engaging online workshops. […]

Applications for Customizable Smartification of Products

UNINOVA team members are the organisers of the Special Session “Applications for Customizable Smartification of Products” during the 17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. The approach of taking a regular consumer product, such as a chair, a cabinet, or a table, and sensitizing it to extract usage data or to extend its […]

INEDIT platform services as a starting point for future developments

At the end of September, the INEDIT team closed the first project work package, that lays the foundation for all the future activities of the project. The performed work started with the definition of the Do-It-Together approach, the identification of the INEDIT primary stakeholders and their needs, till the creation of the INEDIT specification map. […]

Could the future hold us new emergency challenges?

In the past months, the global emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed the reality in which we live, and the way people and organizations relate. Forced isolation and social distancing have underlined the importance of a strong and synergistic relational network, raising many question marks on how to approach the new future reality. Organizations today are faced with old and […]

The INEDIT team is going a step further

Almost one year has passed since the beginning of the INEDIT project, and our consortium is proposing a new approach to furniture design and furniture manufacturing. Despite the CoViD period, we have been able to identify the stakeholders involved in the process and enumerate their needs and expectations based on INEDIT concepts. We have produced a substantial state of the art regarding Do It Yourself trends, Open Innovation, social product development and social manufacturing, to elaborate a holistic model […]

The benefits of a Smartification of Furniture framework

On the INEDIT project, Uninova is responsible for one case study: “Smartification of Furniture”, meaning the integration of technology hardware in the furniture pieces, either via add-on to existing furniture or within the design and manufacturing processes. The goal of this smartification is to empower the DIT community, to easily integrate intelligent features in their […]

Synergy “Design and prototype model” pilot action

CRIT is a key partner in the Interreg Central Europe SYNERGY Project. Recently a very interesting pilot action has been launched! Find below all the details: DESIGN AND PROTOTYPE MODEL Topic: HOUSE OF THE FUTURE Call for development of a house ornament, object or piece of furniture with possibility of integration of advanced technologies (sensors, […]

The impact of COVID-19 and INEDIT @Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Hanze University of Applied Sciences is a proud member of the INEDIT project. We are contributing to a number of different Work Packages by bringing in our vast  experience in open innovation in regional ecosystems. The insights from INEDIT will also be used in our so called Innovation Work Places where students, scholars, enterprises, governments […]

SYNERGY “Crowd Innovation for Companies” Pilot Action

Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum is an active partner of the Interreg Central Europe Project SYNERGY which has successfully launched the Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP). This pilot action connects companies with a project idea that requires technical solutions with suitable problem solvers from the online crowd who present matching technical solutions from the key project areas of Additive […]

Building in wood is the key to a sustainable future

For over 80 years, Veragouth and Xilema have been offering to their customers wood of superior quality, products designed and manufactured to guarantee well-being and uniqueness within the living experience. There is no question that building in wood is the key to a sustainable future. Equally so, building in wood expresses the perfect synthesis of […]

“Do-It-Together” and innovation, towards the Factories of the Future (FoF)

The Université de Lorraine team members are the guest editors for the new special issue of the Journal of Innovation Economics & Management (JIE&M), in collaboration with the Michigan Technological University and Delft University of Technology. The aim of this special issue is to contribute to the conceptualization of the new “Do-It-Together” approach and to […]

Development of a sustainable DIT business model

Working together is the key to achieve the design of sustainable furniture. To create an incentive for all stakeholders of the DIT (Do-It-Together) process to collaborate, we need a business model! It takes the diverse contributions of heterogeneous and multidisciplinary stakeholders to create the basis for real innovation in the development of sustainable products. There […]

AI powered furniture design

In the recent years, Artificial Intelligence is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives, whether we are reading mails, browsing through social media or driving our car. But only recently, with the development of generative models, AI is entering the creativity domain, with new applications in architecture, art and design. As part of INEDIT […]

A social app uniting the entire Scm Group

Working with Scm Group means being part of a community of 4000 people spread across the entire globe. An essential human resource for our company which we need to make the most of, in terms of relations. This is why Management instantly took on this new project, devised by a group of employees working as part […]

International Conference on Innovation and Circular Economy – Spain

The INEDIT project had a strong presence at the Spring of Innovation 2020 – International Conference on Innovation and Circular Economy organised by the Research Network on Innovation in collaboration with the University of Santiago de Compostela from 25 to 27 March 2020. The INEDIT partners have attended the different sessions of the conference and […]

INEDIT fosters Circular Economy of 3D Printing with Plastic Recycling

Wouldn’t it be wonderful that we can imagine our own furniture and contribute to the reduction of waste plastic? One of the main commitments of INEDIT is to promote a Do-It-Together (DIT) approach to opportunities in a context of sustainability and circular economy considering “Design Global/Customizable and Produce Local” The Université de Lorraine has recently […]

INEDIT First Periodic Meeting on Teams

On April 28th and 29th, all the INEDIT partners attended the virtual First Periodic Meeting on Teams. Obiouvsly the plan was another one, but with a strong effort from all of us, we had a very engaging 2-days meeting. We took the opportunity to hear and talk about all the different developments during the first […]

INEDIT @ Human and Trees project Conference

On February 7th, 2020, the INEDIT team of University of Lorraine attended a conference dedicated to the Humans & Trees project. It is a regional project supported by the French Programme of Investments for the Future for 7 years in which the UL laboratory (ENSTIB) is involved with other 100 local and territorial partners. ENSTIB […]

INEDIT @ Open Innovation Kongress in Stuttgard

On March 1st, the Open Innovation Kongress in Stuttgart was a great event to discuss the issues and possibilities of co-creation, joint design and shared innovation. Clients from various industries, speakers with hands on experience and informative workshops enhanced the insight into the specialities of Open Innovation and how to reshape the way we think […]

INEDIT Kick-off Meeting in Paris

ÉCOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D’ARTS ET MÉTIERS organised the Kick-off meeting of the INEDIT project on 22 and 23 of October in Paris, France. The aim of the meeting was to outline the main goals and the expected results of the project, to introduce all INEDIT partners together with their role and responsibility for each work-package.